Welcome to the world of Code of Conduct, a Twilight Fanfiction by MandyLeigh87. Keep an eye out for teasers, photos, interviews and other news.

Monday, September 6, 2010


I just wanted to let you guys know, just in case you didn't have me on author alert, that I posted the first outtake to CoC! It is a Jasper/Alice centered outtake, but I promise you won't be disappointed. I'm hoping to do more in the future so keep an eye out. Check out my profile for it, it's listed under a new story called Code of Conduct Outtakes!

And also this video was part of the inspiration for the outtake and its an absolutely beautiful video, so take a look. And I'm issuing a tissue warning for this video. No joke. I fucking bawled. My stepdad came in and asked me what the hell was going on because I was so emotional about it. It's awesome.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Thank You

So just in case you didn't read my A/N at the end of the epilogue, which let's face it it was a fucking novel, I just wanted to express my thank you for all your support of CoC. When I started it I had no idea how it was going to be received and I was really worried about messing it up, since I don't have a lot of knowledge regarding the military. I realize that I didn't get some of the technical things right, which I apologize for, but you've all assured me I've done well with the emotions and I'd take that over having every little technical thing right anyway. I didn't realize how many of you this story would affect, or how many of you have ties to the military, and although I fucking love every single review I get, the ones that would always get to me are the ones from members or family members of the military. I am completely humbled by you guys and I appreciate it.

As you know, I am taking a hiatus this summer to focus on my internship, but I will still be writing behind the scenes so I have a good starting point this fall. I currently have six stories floating around in my head and have at least gotten something down for all of them, because otherwise they won't shut up and they drive me crazy. I'm not completely sure the order in which its going to go, but Game, Set, Match is definitely going to be one of the first ones I start updating so as a thank you to you guys I've posted ANOTHER teaser for the story on its blog. If you haven't checked it out yet, you definitely should. There are now two teasers as well as a playlist on there for you guys.

This story is going to be a little bit different from CoC, but I hope you will enjoy it. CoC was incredibly emotionally draining for me, as I'm sure it was for you, so I'm hoping to do a lighter story first and Game, Set, Match definitely fits the bill for that. It's not that there won't be drama or it won't be emotional because it will, but the only way I know how to describe it is lighter. It's not going to be that intense constant heartfail because I think we need a slight break from it. One of my other upcoming stories will be a little more like CoC in terms of that, but I'd like to try something new first.

Game, Set, Match follows Bella who has just been hired to be a photographer for playboy Tennis Pro Edward Cullen. You can check out the blog here >>> www.gamesetmatchfanfiction.blogspot.com

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010

CocTease: Edward

“Hey Cullen.”
I looked up from my journal and my plate of food. Peter, the new guy, sat down next to me and rested his head in his hands.
“They got you running the night shift?” I asked, taking another bite.
“Fourth time this week. And I’m supposed to go out tonight again,” he mumbled.
I looked him over, seeing his haggard expression and the dark circles under his eyes. He was beyond tired, I almost wondered if he should be going out at all. I never thought it was very smart that they sent people out who were this run down. It didn’t seem like it would be safe. If it wasn’t safe to drive when you’re sleepy, then it probably isn’t okay to be responsible for a weapon or someone else’s life.
“Who are you heading out with?” I asked.
“Uh…I think Smith, Carlson and Bates.” He rubbed his eyes and shook his head, trying to wake himself up.
I took another bite of my food and watched him. His eyes fluttered a little, fighting to stay awake, before they floated shut. I felt bad for the guy, I couldn’t deny that. I’d gotten lucky and had mostly day shifts; I knew the night shifts were brutal.
“I’ll take it Peter,” I slapped his back.
“What?” He mumbled.
“I’ll take your shift. You need a good nights sleep.”
“No man, I don’t want to put that on you…”
“Don’t even worry about it. I’m sure you’d do the same for me. It’s done. I’ll go talk to the Captain.”
He started to protest again but I laughed and shook my head. “Go to bed Peter.”

Friday, May 14, 2010

Listen to Coc Playlist Chapters 39-41ish

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Please read this before hunting me down and yelling at me:
I know that some songs on this playlist hint that a certain *incident* has occurred. All I'm going to say is that appearances can be deceiving and remember that I promised you a HEA. It's going to be a rough last jog, but we're going to make it through. That is all. If you would like to express your discontent or speculation, remember there's a thread for that : )

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wonderful. Amazing. Fantastic. (Insert synonym here)

Check out this AWESOME blinkie from RoseArcadia. I was absolutely floored when she offered to do one for CoC and thought it turned out absolutely perfect!

And if that wasn't enough, Rose also created a Twilighted Thread for CoC, so if you guys want to talk to each other about CoC happenings that's the place to be! I'll also stop by from time to time and check in on it. There are also codes for the blinkie on the thread, so if you want them for your blog or for anything else they are there. You do have to create a Twilighted account to participate in it, but its super easy and its free.

Check out the Twilighted Thread

And please also check out Rose's
blog, she makes some great banners, blinkies ect. and has some good recommendations on there!

CocTease: Picture This

Hmmm. Good or bad that Jasper is showing up in our PicTease? Thoughts?

CocTease Chapter 38: Bella

“Good morning girls.” Edward walked in my room carrying a large tray of food. “Breakfast for the graduates.” He set the tray down on the bed and came over to give me a kiss.

“Hey baby,” he whispered, gently pressing his lips to mine.

“Hi,” I smiled.

“I’ll leave you two alone. Your dad wants to leave in like an hour.”

“Okay. Thanks for breakfast.”

He nodded and closed the door behind him.

“B…I have a confession.” Alice nibbled on a waffle. “I haven’t written my speech yet.”

“Alice!” I started choking on my bacon. “You have to talk in a couple of hours and you don’t even know what you’re going to say!?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Everytime I sat down to write it I clammed up. I think that I really thought if I didn’t write it then it wouldn’t happen. Like we could skip all this stuff and just stay here forever. Like this.” She laughed at herself as a tear slid down her cheek. “I’m just really going to miss you next year, I feel like I’m losing you. Are you sure you won’t come with me to L.A.?”

I took her hands and shook my head. “I can’t,” I sighed. “ Al, change is inevitable. Sometimes its good and sometimes its bad but its always constant. No matter what you do to stop it the sun’s going to rise in the morning and set in the evening. We can’t change it, we can react to it.” I bit down on my lip and smiled. “Life’s all a big reaction. You can let things happen to you and drown….or you can fight like hell to keep afloat. Whether or not you make it or not is completely up to you.” I thought back to Edward and how relevant those words really were. “Sometimes you have to learn to just…breathe.”

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Thoughts on Bella graduating? Do you think Edward got her a gift?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Help Make Bella and Edward's Prom Playlist!

Most of you know how important music is to me as a writer, and now I want your help in creating the perfect prom for Bella and Edward! Just leave a comment below with some songs that you want on the playlist. I'll make sure to include them all and add my own for an awesome kick ass playlist. They deserve it : )

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Coc Tease

Uh oh....who's asking who to the big dance? Will Bella go? What will Edward think?

Listen to Coc Chapter 36

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Coc Tease: Bella

We went right to the grocery store and started loading up our cart with candy and sweets. We saved the liquor for last. Rose was going to have to buy it for us. We perused along the aisle, careful not to let the employees see Alice and I with her. They knew us well enough to know we were underage.

We picked out some vodka and some whiskey for me. I was sure we were caught when someone cleared their throat beside us. I turned and was surprised to see Esme standing beside us.

“Hello girls…” She smiled.

“Mrs. Cullen,” Alice squeaked.

Esme eyed the liquor in our hands and crossed her arms. “Hand it over.”

We sighed and handed over what we had. I guess we’d have to go to another store. Even though Rose was old enough, Esme would probably tell the store clerks about us. I loved her but that woman was as straight as they come. Esme took the bottles in her arms, turned around and said the last thing I ever expected to come out of her mouth.

“I’ll get these. Meet me back at my house. We’ll have a girls night.” She smiled slightly as all of our jaws hit the floor. “What? Did you really think I was that much of a prude? I was young once too.” She started towards the register and left us all still in shock. We stood behind her with our stuff as she made her purchases, surprising us all when she asked for a pack of cigarettes as well.

Rosalie, Alice and I split the cost of everything we bought and piled into the car. I called my dad on the way and told him I was staying at the Cullens instead of Alice’s. It wasn’t that unusual with how close I’d become with Esme. Apparently not enough to know that she was a complete badass underneath that exterior, but we were close.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Review on PicFFCorner

The wonderfully amazing Mr. Green has written a great review about Code of Conduct for this fanfiction blog. Please go give it a read. I was so excited and humbled for it and couldn't be more appreciative. Also there's quite a lengthy interview with me about my fanfiction and other things about me. While you're there, check out the other reviews, they've got some great reccs there.


Monday, April 19, 2010

Chapter 34 Teaser: Edward

“It’s okay.” I brushed a piece of damp hair away from her face and leaned in to press my lips to hers. “It’s okay,” I mumbled again against her skin. She parted her lips and allowed me inside as I ached to get a taste of her. Her fingers tangled in my hair as she held me to her, refusing to let me leave her. I instinctively moved closer, claiming my territory and pushing her gently down on the floor. My hand slowly inched down from her face to her collar bone as I sucked on her bottom lip. I fingered along the opening of her robe, feeling the soft fabric beneath my fingers. I slipped inside, gently pulling the robe away from her skin. I could still feel the dampness of the shower lingering.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Important News, Please Read

So as some of you may or may not know I am moving to Maine for the summer to work at the Make a Wish Foundation as an intern. After thinking a lot about it, I've decided to temporarily stop writing while I'm out there (after I finish COC, breathe everyone haha). This decision comes for two main reasons. Firstly, I'm going to be incredibly busy and I'm not one of those authors who likes to keep people waiting too long, so I don't want to make you guys wait when I'll have no idea when I'll update. Secondly, my wonderful apartment, although downtown does not have internet. So I don't know how much access I'll have just using an internet cafe.
Like I mentioned above, I will definitely finish COC before this brief hiatus. I'm hoping to get it done before I physically leave, but if not I'll finish it up once I'm out there and make sure it gets posted.
You may have also noticed, if you've checked out my profile on ff.net, that I do have a couple WIP with only one chapter. I will be finishing these at some point and starting back up again in the fall. It's not to say that I won't work on them over the summer, like I said I just don't want to feel like I have to hurry and get an update out all summer, so I won't be posting anything unless something changes. I also have one more story I've semi been working on behind the scenes. Last time I had three story options, I posted the first chapter of each and let you guys decide which one I did first. I may do that now, I'm not sure. As of right now, I don't think Secret Life will be next basically because its going to be an emotional story, and seeing how emotionally draining COC is, not a bad thing, just emotional, I want to do a little bit of a lighter story next. So my next story in the fall will probably be either the Mat or my new story that has yet to gain a title.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you guys know what was going on with that because I didn't want you waiting for an update on one of the new stories and be surprised when you don't get one. No worries, I WILL be back in the fall and I will be finishing COC within the next few weeks hopefully. We'll see how that goes with finals so it may seep a little bit into the summer. Keep an eye out for any updates and make sure you have my other stories on alert just in case. Thanks for all your support guys, and look for the next COC chapter coming soon.


p.s. if you'd like to follow my adventures in Maine, there's a blog for that

Listen to Coc Chapter 34

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Friday, April 9, 2010

Check out some new fanart!

Check out this awesome manip from ashley1023! Thanks for putting it together, I love it!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Support Stacie Author Auction!

The time has finally come to place your bids! If you'd like me to write you a one shot or outtake from one of my stories, visit http://www.supportstacie.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=1980
Every little bit helps. You never know, $5 may get you a personalized story just for you!

Chapter 30 Pictease!

I tried something a little different in preparation for the next chapter. There will still be a playlist but I wanted to go with something a little more...visual. Take a look and let me know what you think. Any ideas about what's going to happen?