Welcome to the world of Code of Conduct, a Twilight Fanfiction by MandyLeigh87. Keep an eye out for teasers, photos, interviews and other news.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

CocTease Chapter 38: Bella

“Good morning girls.” Edward walked in my room carrying a large tray of food. “Breakfast for the graduates.” He set the tray down on the bed and came over to give me a kiss.

“Hey baby,” he whispered, gently pressing his lips to mine.

“Hi,” I smiled.

“I’ll leave you two alone. Your dad wants to leave in like an hour.”

“Okay. Thanks for breakfast.”

He nodded and closed the door behind him.

“B…I have a confession.” Alice nibbled on a waffle. “I haven’t written my speech yet.”

“Alice!” I started choking on my bacon. “You have to talk in a couple of hours and you don’t even know what you’re going to say!?”

She shrugged. “I don’t know. Everytime I sat down to write it I clammed up. I think that I really thought if I didn’t write it then it wouldn’t happen. Like we could skip all this stuff and just stay here forever. Like this.” She laughed at herself as a tear slid down her cheek. “I’m just really going to miss you next year, I feel like I’m losing you. Are you sure you won’t come with me to L.A.?”

I took her hands and shook my head. “I can’t,” I sighed. “ Al, change is inevitable. Sometimes its good and sometimes its bad but its always constant. No matter what you do to stop it the sun’s going to rise in the morning and set in the evening. We can’t change it, we can react to it.” I bit down on my lip and smiled. “Life’s all a big reaction. You can let things happen to you and drown….or you can fight like hell to keep afloat. Whether or not you make it or not is completely up to you.” I thought back to Edward and how relevant those words really were. “Sometimes you have to learn to just…breathe.”

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